One Asset, many potential uses

The National Disability Data Asset will aim to give a more complete picture of the life experiences of people with disability- to see, hear and understand people with disability as a diverse community with specific needs and goals.

Story video: Descriptive audio version (PDF 134 kB) (Word 33 kB)

These videos feature Dr Ben Gauntlett in his capacity as Disability Discrimination Commissioner from 2019-2023 and Belinda Drew in her former capacity as CEO of Community Services Industry Australia.

The National Disability Data Asset could bring benefits to a range of users

  • People with disability, family members and carers
  • Organisations that serve people with disability
  • Researchers
  • Governments

How the National Disability Data Asset is planned to work

Linking datasets together

Improving data quality and comparability 


Creating a wide range of new insights through analysing the data in the National Disability Data Asset

Making insights from the data accessible to audiences while protecting privacy

Placing a very high importance on safeguarding data and protecting privacy throughout the process

News and Project Updates

National Disability Data Asset Partners


The Department of Social Services, in partnership with the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare are leading this phase of the National Disability Data Asset. The Australian Government is working closely with state and territory governments and the disability community to deliver the National Disability Data Asset.

The Council

The National Disability Data Asset Council (the Council) will provide recommendations on the strategic direction of the disability data asset to the Disability Reform Ministerial Council. The role of the Council will be to make sure the disability data asset is used correctly. It will also make sure the data asset is only used for the things that governments and the disability community have agreed to.

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