One way the National Disability Data Asset will be co-governed is through the Council. Another way it will be co-governed is through panels of individuals, including people with disability. The panel members have experience and knowledge about disability. Their role is to provide support to the Council on priority areas for the National Disability Data Asset.
Current Panels
Disability Indicators Panel
The Disability Indicators Panel provides advice about how the disability indicators should and should not be used from a disability and human rights perspective to support appropriate communication of insights. The Panel will support the development of an improvement plan for the disability indicators work.
The Disability Indicators Panel has 5 members and is chaired by Peter Tully.

Peter Tully, Disability Indicators Panel Chair
Peter has a long history of working to uphold the rights of people with disability and has held multiple advocacy and advisory roles. Peter has a strong interest in how data can support government decision-making.
The Disability Indicators Panel met for the first time on 30 April 2024.
Disability-informed Ethical Oversight Panel
The Disability-informed Ethical Oversight Panel (Ethical Oversight Panel) will review project proposals with a disability perspective. The Panel will only recommend projects be approved that are not likely to cause harm to people with disability.
The Panel will develop a framework to guide consistent assessments of project proposals seeking to access data from the National Disability Data Asset.
The Ethical Oversight Panel is made up of 5 members and met for the first time on 9 September 2024.
The Ethical Oversight Panel is chaired by Dr Lisa Stafford.

Dr Lisa Stafford, Ethical Oversight Panel Chair
Lisa is a well-regarded researcher and educator in disability participation, inclusive communities, and transport equity with extensive experience in ethical and inclusive research. Lisa has held many boards and committee positions and is currently an Includability Ambassador with the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Past panels
Disability Data Development Scoping Panel (Scoping Panel)
The Scoping Panel completed a report for the Council in October 2024. The report was about priority data and knowledge gaps for future panels could work on.
The Scoping Panel had 10 members. Four members were experts in disability research. Six were members of the disability community. The Panel started in June 2024 and their appointments finished on 31 October 2024.
Clare Gibellini was the chair of the Scoping Panel.

Clare Gibellini, Scoping Panel Chair
Clare is a passionate advocate for the inclusion of people with disability. During her time on the panel she worked in disability policy and research. Clare held positions on many councils, committees and boards. This included her role as Co-Chair of the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council. Clare was also Chair of the National Disability Research Partnership Board at the time.